Say ‘Yes’ to You and then work out the ‘How’

Joanna Howes
5 min readFeb 10, 2021


It’s been one of the most exciting weeks of my life. This week I received the ICG International Coach of the Year award. I need to let that sink in. This award signifies such an important milestone in my life and reminds me of my journey to this point. To be sitting here writing this as a successful business owner who works with the most incredible people to help them and their businesses grow, is a true blessing.

I want to share with you today, what it took for me to reach this point. In the hope that it inspires you to listen deeper to the voice in your head and bring to life the feelings you have in your belly which are telling you ‘You can be more!’.

Life is a rollercoaster — learn to ride it

It really has been a rollercoaster journey to reach the point where I can look at myself in the mirror and say ‘great job’, ‘you are worth it’, ‘you are good enough’ and ‘you can handle whatever comes your way’.

From the constant need to prove myself, seek validation and the frustration of why I was keeping myself so small, to now embracing the unknown and jumping head first into new challenges and growth opportunities it is the best gift I could have ever given myself.

It didn’t happen overnight, and it hasn’t been easy. In fact, the change really began when I hit rock bottom in my confidence. I’d had a fantastic career, working at some of the best agencies in the world and reaching executive level (I have always been very ambitious) I then joined a company, which on paper was an amazing opportunity, yet upon arrival I could see I had walked into a culture that was alien to me. This left me feeling lost, confused, angry, full of self-doubt and anxiety for what the future was going to be.

Victim or Leader?

I had a choice to make. I could keep going down the road of self pity and blaming the world for the situation I now found myself in, or I could use this pain as leverage and realise my potential and take action to move towards living my life as my best self.

The day my life changed was when I walked into The Coaching Institute in Melbourne, Australia and met the incredible Joe Pane who encouraged me to follow my dream. And just like that, I had signed up to learn all about human behaviour to become a coach.

I went all in, did every training, studied all the videos and books and started getting clients. I had found something that was not just filling my ambition, but also giving me meaning and purpose. I was finally finding true fulfilment in my work and could see the difference I was making to others.

This was it, I was hooked.

The business

I set up my business 6 months later and I haven’t looked back.

I’m not going to pretend it’s been easy. It takes commitment, grit, determination, resilience and the ability to keep saying ‘yes and then work out how’. To be expanding your comfort zone on a daily basis is exhausting, so self-care is also a huge part to ensuring success.

At the beginning it was too easy to be working all hours and weekends, but I quickly realised this was a dangerous road to continue on. So, I put in morning rituals that I do EVERY day before I get to my desk. I make sure the evenings are for me and my husband. At weekends the work sometimes creeps in, but it’s not a rule (right now there is not much else to do in lockdown!).


So to be sitting here today writing to you all as an award winner for the work and commitment I give to my craft is the most joyous and amazing feeling.

It took me many years to realise I was in charge of my mind and it’s not in charge of me. That I’m responsible for all decisions and choices, and can create the life I want to live.

My biggest motivation was something Sharon Pearson shared with me and I want to share it with you.

‘Don’t look back on your life in your last breath and see what you could have been.’

My ask

So why am I telling you this? Those of you that know me will confirm I’m not one to shout about myself. This article is to inspire you to know that if I can make this change, then you can too. Because I have been at the lowest point — questioning myself, full of self-doubt and imposter syndrome — and I want you to know that there IS another way, you CAN choose the right path which will lead you to fulfilment. You just need to be committed to the journey and you will arrive at your ideal destination.

My ask is for you to take a moment. Breathe and check in with yourself. Are you living as your best self? Are you fulfilled and do you have meaning in your life?

If the answer is ‘No’ then I ask you to do something today that your future self will be proud of. What action can you make today that will help change your path to achieve your success?

Be the person, the leader, the partner, the parent you know you can be.

I’d love to know what your first action is and how you found taking that leap of faith. My inbox is always open so if you’d like some support or if my story awoke something in you, I’d love to hear from you.

Joanna Howes is an award winning international coach, behavioural expert, and No 1 best selling international co-author, who specialises in leadership and performance coaching based in London, UK. To see how else Joanna can help visit her website here.



Joanna Howes

Joanna is an award winning international coach, behavioural expert, & No 1 best selling international author, specialising in leadership & performance coaching